Theme Ideas For Wedding Photo Booth Rentals

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What's a Picture Really Worth?

They say that a picture is worth 1,000 words. But we would like to argue that pictures can be worth so much more than that. In fact, the suggestion that a picture could possibly be replaced with words is questionable. We often feel that pictures say things that not even 10,000 words could express! Because pictures are worth so much, we really think it's important to value the photographers who take them. In our own way, we hope to show that value by writing on this blog. The words typed here are not a substitute for the photos that photographers take, but they can teach you more about the profession.


Theme Ideas For Wedding Photo Booth Rentals

24 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you think of a wedding photo booth, you may think about traditional box-like booths. The truth is, there are many kinds of wedding photo booths and many of them do not have to fit in traditionally. In fact, if you have a theme for your wedding there is likely a matching themed photo booth. Here are some ideas that may inspire you to have this type of photo option at your wedding. 

Location Themed

One theme idea for a wedding photo booth rental is to go with a specific location. For example, you may want a Paris theme or a New Orleans theme. You may also want a theme that details where you will be headed on your honeymoon. You can do this easily with various props. For example, you can have a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, a beach scene, or the French Quarter. If it is an important or meaningful location to you, then you can use it as part of your photo booth. 

Time Period Themed

You may have a wedding theme that is based on a specific time period. Popular options include medieval time periods or the early 1900's and jazz eras. With a time period theme, you can have a specific backdrop or you can heavily rely on props. A prime example of this type of photo booth would be the old west photo booths that allow you to dress in vintage clothing and take pictures in old saloon backdrops. You can do the same with virtually any time period and give your guests an experience they won't forget. 

Activity Themed

You and your spouse may share a love of rock climbing, old movies, horseback riding, or a sport such as hockey or baseball. This can be made into a themed wedding photo booth. For example, you may be fans of your local sports team and want to advertise their logo. You can add backdrops and other merchandise to build the ideal photo booth to celebrate your favorite activity or team with your guests. 

These are just a few of the theme ideas for wedding photo booth rentals. If you are ready to move forward with a rental for your wedding, contact your local photographer. Many wedding photographers have booth rentals and other related booth options that may be ideal for your wedding. They also may have options available to you for other wedding photos you had not considered.

For more information, reach out to a company such as LoL Photo Booth.